Light Emmited Diode

How Light Emmited Diode Work

How Light Emmited Diode Work

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Fire Safty System

Fire Safty System

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GPS receiver block diagram

GPS receiver block diagram

GPS receiver block diagram

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Remote Control for Home Appliance Circuit Diagram

Remote Control for Home Appliance Circuit Diagram

Remote Control for Home Appliance Circuit Diagram

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Smart homes

Smart homes: the future of energy efficiency?

Imagine a future where your entire home and all your appliances are connected to the Internet. Simply by opening an app on your smartphone, you can adjust your air conditioning and turn off your lights. You can login to a single website where you can manage your home’s climate control, check how much power each appliance is consuming, and compare that to the amount of energy your rooftop solar array is generating. Not only would such a system be highly convenient, it would also enable homeowners to closely track and reduce their electric consumption.

Smart homes

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Different Type Of Valve Symbols

Different Type Of Valve Symbols

Different Type Of Valve Symbols

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PID Controllers

PID Controllers 

Fig.PID Controllers

 PID controllers are named after the Proportional, Integral and Derivative control modes they have. They are used in most automatic process control applications in industry. PID controllers can be used to regulate flow, temperature, pressure, level, and many other industrial process variables. This blog reviews the design of PID controllers and explains the P, I and D control modes used in them.

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Li-Fi replace Wi-Fi in China

Li -Fi technology!!

Li-Fi to replace Wi-Fi in China

Fig.1  Li-Fi to replace Wi-Fi in China

Four computers can be connected to internet through one- watt LED bulb using light as a carrier instead of traditional radio frequencies, as in Wi-Fi, said Chi Nan, an information technology professor with Shanghai's Fudan University.
Chinese scientists have successfully developed a new cheaper way of getting connected to internet by using signals sent through light bulbs instead of radio frequencies as in 'Wi-Fi', a move expected to radically change process of online connectivity.

Fig.2  Li-Fi to replace Wi-Fi in China

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Inside Nuclear Power Plan

Inside Nuclear Power Plan

We will make it clear with  pictures
Inside Nuclear Power Plan

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Compound Generators

Compound Generator

Series-wound and shunt-wound generators have a disadvantage in that changes in load current cause changes in generator output voltage. Many applications in which generators are used require a more stable output voltage than can be supplied by a series-wound or shunt-wound generator. One means of supplying a stable output voltage is by using a compound generator.

The compound generator has a field winding in parallel with the generator armature (the same as a shunt-wound generator) and a field winding in series with the generator armature (the same as a series-wound generator) (Figure 1).

Figure 1 Compounded DC Generator

The two windings of the compounded generator are made such that their magnetic fields will either aid or oppose one another.

If the two fields are wound so that their flux fields oppose one another, the generator is said to be differentially-compounded. Due to the nature of this type of generator, it is used only in special cases and will not be discussed further in this text.

If the two fields of a compound generator are wound so that their magnetic fields aid one another, the generator is said to be cumulatively-compounded. As the load current increases, the current through the series field winding increases, increasing the overall magnetic field strength and causing an increase in the output voltage of the generator. With proper design, the increase in the magnetic field strength of the series winding will compensate for the decrease in shunt field strength. Therefore, the overall strength of the combined magnetic fields remains almost unchanged, so the output voltage will remain constant. In reality, the two fields cannot be made so that their magnetic field strengths compensate for each other completely. There will be some change in output voltage from the no-load to full-load conditions.

In practical compounded generators, the change in output voltage from no-load to full-load is less than 5 percent. A generator with this characteristic is said to be flat-compounded (Figure 2).

Figure 2 Voltage-vs-Current for a Compounded DC Generator
 For some applications, the series winding is wound so that it overcompensates for a change in the shunt field. The output gradually rises with increasing load current over the normal operating range of the machine. This type of generator is called an over-compounded generator. The series winding can also be wound so that it under-compensates for the change in shunt field strength. The output voltage decreases gradually with an increase in load current. This type of generator is called an under-compounded generator.

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Series-Wound DC Generators

Series-Wound DC Generators

When the field winding of a DC generator is connected in series with the armature, the generator is called a series-wound generator (Figure 1). The excitation current in a series-wound generator is the same as the current the generator delivers to the load. If the load has a high resistance and only draws a small amount of current, the excitation current is also small. Therefore, the magnetic field of the series field winding is weak, making the generated voltage low. Conversely, if the load draws a large current, the excitation current is also high. Therefore, the magnetic field of the series field winding is very strong, and the generated voltage is high.

Figure1 Series-Wound DC Generator
 As you can see in Figure 2, in a series generator, changes in load current drastically affect the generator output voltage. A series generator has poor voltage regulation, and, as a result, series generators are not used for fluctuating loads. As is the case for the shunt-wound generator, a series-wound generator also exhibits some losses due to the resistance of the windings and armature reaction. These losses cause a lower terminal voltage than that for an ideal magnetization curve.

Figure 2 Output Voltage-vs-Load Current for Series-Wound DC Generator

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Shunt-Wound DC Generators

Shunt-Wound DC Generators


 When the field winding of a generator is connected in parallel with the generator armature, the generator is called a shunt-wound generator (Figure 1).


Figure 1 Shunt-Wound DC Generator


The excitation current in a shunt-wound generator is dependent upon the output voltage and the field resistance. Normally, field excitation is maintained between 0.5 and 5 percent of the total current output of the generator.
The shunt-wound generator, running at a constant speed under varying load conditions, has a much more stable voltage output than does a series-wound generator. Some change in output voltage does take place. This change is caused by the fact that, as the load current increases, the voltage drop (IaRa) across the armature coil increases, causing output voltage to decrease. As a result, the current through the field decreases, reducing the magnetic field and causing voltage to decrease even more. If load current is much higher than the design of the generator, the drop in output voltage is severe. For load current within the design range of the generator, the drop in output voltage is minimal (Figure2). 

Figure 2 Output Voltage-vs-Load Current for Shunt-Wound DC Generator

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DC Generators Equipment Construction

DC Generators


DC Equipment Construction

Direct current machines are energy transfer devices. These machines can function as either a motor or a generator. DC motors and generators have the same basic construction, differing primarily in the energy conversion. To better understand the operation and construction of DC machines, a few basic terms must be understood.


  The purpose of the armature is to provide the energy conversion in a DC machine (refer to Figure 1).

Figure 1 Basic DC Machine  


In a DC generator, the armature is rotated by an external mechanical force, such as a steam turbine. This rotation induces a voltage and current flow in the armature. Thus, the armature converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.
In a DC motor, the armature receives voltage from an outside electrical source and converts electrical energy into mechanical energy in the form of torque.


The purpose of the rotor is to provide the rotating element in a DC machine (refer to Figure 1). In a DC generator, the rotor is the component that is rotated by an external force. In a DC motor, the rotor is the component that turns a piece of equipment. In both types of DC machines, the rotor is the armature.


The stator is the part of a motor or generator that is stationary (refer to Figure 1). In DC machines, the purpose of the stator is to provide the magnetic field. The stator in Figure 1 is provided by a permanent magnet.


The purpose of the field in a DC machine is to provide a magnetic field for producing either a voltage (generator) or a torque (motor) (refer to Figure 1). The field in a DC machine is produced by either a permanent magnet or an electromagnet. Normally, electromagnets are used because they have an increased magnetic strength, and the magnetic strength is more easily varied using external devices. In Figure 2, the field is provided by the stator.

Figure 2 AC to DC Conversion with a Commutator

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In the discussion on the previous page you learned about electromagnetic induction. You learned that anytime a conductor was placed in a changing magnetic field that electrical current was generated in the conductor. We talked about the conductor being a piece of wire that is often wrapped into a coil, but the conductor does not need to be in the shape of a coil and does not even need to be wire. It could be a piece of flat steel, aluminum plate, or any other conductive object. The only requirement is that the object must be able to conduct electrical current. 

When current is induced in a conductor such as the square piece of metal shown above, the induced current often flows in small circles that are strongest at the surface and penetrate a short distance into the material. These current flow patterns are thought to resemble eddies in a stream, which are the tornado looking swirls of the water that we sometimes see. Because of this presumed resemblance, the electrical currents were named eddy currents

Uses of eddy currents

Just like in our transformer experiment, these induced eddy currents generate their own magnetic field. After all, this is an actual electrical current and any current flowing in a conductor produces a magnetic field, right? The detection and measurements of the strength of the magnetic fields produced by the eddy currents makes it possible for us to learn things about conductive materials without even contacting them. For example, the electrical conductivity of a material can be determined by the strength of the eddy currents that form. Also since cracks and other breaks in the surface of a material will prevent eddy currents from forming in that region of the surface, eddy currents can be used to detect cracks in materials. This is referred to as eddy current testing in the field of nondestructive testing (NDT). NDT technicians and engineers use eddy current testing to find cracks and other flaws in part of airplanes and other systems where bad things can happen if the part breaks. On the next page you will learn more about eddy current testing and be able to try an inspection yourself.

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